Click here for details.
APPLY FOR FEMA ASSISTANCE BY APRIL 7 Click here for details.
Black Mountain Recovery
This site is provided by the Town of Black Mountain in service to our community’s long-term recovery from the devasting impacts of Hurricane Helene.
We love our community. We are Black Mountain Strong.
Our Purpose
To be the trusted source of reliable, timely, and accurate information, empowering individuals and organizations to navigate an unprecedented recovery effort with resilience, compassion and hope.
Town Updates
State-wide burn ban in effect
Due to recent wildfires in neighboring counties and a state-wide burn ban in effect, the Black Mountain Fire Department is urging residents to remain vigilant as the risk for wildfires remains extremely high due to atmospheric and dry conditions. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.
FEMA application deadline is April 7 for North Carolinians affected by Helene
Helene survivors have until April 7, 2025 to apply for assistance with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. FEMA assistance may include funds for temporary housing such as rental assistance or reimbursement for hotel costs; funds to support the repair or replacement of a primary home, including privately-owned access routes; and funds for disaster-caused expenses. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.
Private and Commercial Property Debris Removal program application deadline is April 15
if you are unable to move your storm debris to the Right of Way, you may qualify for help through the Private Property Debris Removal (PPDR) program. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE AND TO APPLY.
Apply now! FREE Hazard Mitigation Grant Program for private property owners
Buncombe County residents can receive free grant funding to make their properties more resilient through projects that reduce the long-term risk and impacts of natural hazards, such as floods, wildfires, and storms. This funding is offered through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE AND APPLY.
Town of Black Mountain suspends permit fees related to Helene recovery through June
The Town of Black Mountain is not charging permitting fees related to Hurricane Helene recovery through June 2025. All other development fees have been reinstated effective February 11, 2025. Property owners must apply for and get all necessary building permit(s) and required inspections. CLICK HERE TO APPLY.
CLICK HERE for more Town updates.
You can get there from here.
The road ahead is complicated. No matter where you are in the recovery process, we are here to connect you to the resources and support you need. We are regularly updating the information found within this website to serve our evolving needs and to raise our community up—above the noise of misinformation—through excellence, strategic problem-solving, mutual respect, and teamwork. #BlackMountainStrong
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Town of Black Mountain Facebook page
The Town of Black Mountain Facebook page is an excellent source of Town news with updates from Town departments, upcoming meetings & events, shared county & state program news, and much more.