Free Q&A on streambank restoration, 10am-2pm on October 24

Do you have questions about streambank repair or restoration as a result of Hurricane Helene?

From 10am-2pm on Thursday, October 24th in Town Square, Mitchell Anderson from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Asheville Regulatory Field Office, will be available to explain streambank repair recommendations and permitting processes. Topics include:

  • Providing regulatory information on streambank repairs

  • Advising from a regulatory prospective

  • Explaining permitting information related to emergency exemptions

  • After-the-fact permitting

  • Emergency permitting

  • Setting up field visits to provide on the spot permit/exemption guidance

Please note that any permits required by the USACE for streambank repair is a separate process than the permits required by the Town of Black Mountain.

For other information regarding permitting and restoration work, please call the Town of Black Mountain Planning Department at (828) 419-9300 or send an email to Read more about permitting fee waivers HERE.


Help Wanted: Community Liaison role just announced


Q&A: What assistance is available to repair or replace private roads and bridges?